Toilet tissue, or toilet paper, is a staple in every household and public restroom. It is an essential item for maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness. However, not all toilet tissue products are created equal. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we will explore the importance of choosing the right toilet tissue and why Kleenex should be your go-to choice.

The Evolution of Toilet Tissue

The Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet Tissue A Guide to Kleenex

The use of toilet tissue dates back to ancient civilizations, where people used different materials such as clay, stones, leaves, and even corn cobs to clean themselves after using the toilet. It wasn’t until the 6th century AD that China started using paper as toilet tissue. Fast forward to the 19th century, and the modern form of toilet tissue as we know it was invented by Joseph Gayetty.

Over the years, toilet tissue has evolved, with different brands and types available on the market. One brand that has stood the test of time and is synonymous with quality and reliability is Kleenex.

What Makes Kleenex Special?

The Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet Tissue A Guide to Kleenex

Kleenex is a brand owned by Kimberly-Clark Corporation, a leading global health and hygiene company. The brand is well known for its facial tissues, but they also offer high-quality toilet tissue products. What sets Kleenex apart from other brands is its commitment to creating products that cater to the specific needs of their consumers.

Softness and Strength

Kleenex toilet tissue is made with premium quality materials that make it soft and gentle on the skin. It is also durable and strong, ensuring it does not tear easily during use. Whether you have sensitive skin or a large household, Kleenex’s soft and strong toilet tissue will meet your needs.

Variety of Options

One size does not fit all when it comes to toilet tissue. Kleenex offers a wide range of options to cater to different preferences and needs. They have different lengths, ply (number of layers), and even scents to choose from. This variety allows consumers to find the perfect toilet tissue for their specific needs.

Sustainable Practices

In this day and age, it is crucial to support brands that prioritize sustainability. Kleenex is committed to using sustainable practices in their production process, such as sourcing materials from responsibly managed forests and minimizing waste. By choosing Kleenex, you are not only getting a high-quality product but also contributing to a better future for our planet.

How to Use Toilet Tissue: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet Tissue A Guide to Kleenex
  1. Take an adequate amount of toilet tissue from the roll.
  2. Fold or crumple the tissue, depending on personal preference.
  3. Use the tissue to clean yourself after using the toilet.
  4. Wipe until clean, and then dispose of the used tissue in a designated bin.
  5. Repeat if necessary until you feel completely clean.
  6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after use.

It is essential to remember to always use clean hands when handling toilet tissue to avoid transferring bacteria.

Why Choose Kleenex over Other Brands?

The Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet Tissue A Guide to Kleenex


As mentioned earlier, Kleenex is known for its commitment to quality. Their toilet tissue is made with premium materials and goes through rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest standards. With Kleenex, you can trust that you are getting a top-quality product.


Kleenex offers a wide range of options, making it easier for consumers to find the perfect fit for their needs. Whether you prefer a longer roll, extra softness, or a gentle scent, there is a Kleenex toilet tissue product for you.

Value for Money

While some may argue that Kleenex products are slightly more expensive than other brands, the quality and durability of their toilet tissue make it worth the extra cost. With Kleenex, you will use less tissue per use, making it more cost-effective in the long run.

Trusted Brand

Kleenex has been a trusted brand for over 100 years, with a reputation for providing high-quality products. By choosing Kleenex, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using a product from a reputable and reliable brand.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kleenex Toilet Tissue

The Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet Tissue A Guide to Kleenex

Q: Is Kleenex toilet tissue septic-safe?

A: Yes, Kleenex toilet tissue is safe to use in septic systems.

Q: Can I flush Kleenex toilet tissue down the toilet?

A: It is not recommended to flush any type of toilet tissue down the toilet as it can cause plumbing issues. However, Kleenex toilet tissue is designed to break down quickly and easily in water, making it safe to flush.

Q: Are Kleenex toilet tissue products environmentally friendly?

A: Yes, Kleenex is committed to sustainability and uses environmentally friendly practices in their production process.

Q: Can I recycle the cardboard roll from Kleenex toilet tissue?

A: Yes, the cardboard roll from Kleenex toilet tissue can be recycled.

Q: Does Kleenex offer a money-back guarantee for their toilet tissue?

A: Yes, Kleenex stands behind their products and offers a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with their toilet tissue, you can contact their customer service for a refund or replacement.


Choosing the right toilet tissue is essential for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness. With so many options on the market, it can be challenging to find the perfect fit. However, with Kleenex’s commitment to quality, variety, and sustainability, it is no wonder they have remained a trusted brand for over a century. Next time you are in need of toilet tissue, choose Kleenex for a soft, strong, and eco-friendly option.

By Jo Jo